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Suburban home.
Suburban home

Bluebridge ferry terminal.
Bluebridge ferry terminal

Addition to state house.
Keeping warm in suburban state house

soho ventpac.

Soho Ventpac – the natural heating and ventilation system. Keep your house fresh, warm, and healthy with automatic window openers and recirculated warm air.




Avoid the extremes of temperature fluctuations and humidity by harvesting the sun's warmth and storing it in a rockbin.

If your house is well oriented to the sun, has lots of glass, and an area under the main living room or sun room that can hold river rocks, bricks, or concrete blocks for thermal mass, the Ventpac Rockstar is for you.

The rockbin stores heat during the day, which is recirculated back at night and in cold weather. In summer, the rockbin is a valuable source of cool air on hot days.

Download info sheet Soho Ventpac Natural energy solutions for new and existing buildings (PDF 317KB).

Contact us for an obligation-free quote for Soho Ventpac Rockstar.


Building solutions – naturally

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